Friday, May 10, 2013

Tourtiere- aka french meat pie

This is really one of my favorite things of all time.  They are hard to find.  Years ago when my family was dealing with quite the tragedy my local horse community pulled together and brought us frozen meals.  It's what kept my kids fed for the weeks my then husband was in the hospital and kept me from eating nothing but fast food.  Someone ( I yet to know who) made us a Tourtiere.  I had never heard of them before and it became a favorite of our family.  Occasionally I've found them frozen, they usually pale in comparison. A local bakery makes them and they are awesome, but expensive, and only come in single servings. 

This recipe is very close to the local bakery.  This recipe makes 3 Pies. I cheat and use premade pie shells.

6 Pie shells (1 for base and one for the top of each pie)
1.5kg ground pork
2 medium potatoes- shredded
1tbsp Butter
1 large onion
2tsp All spice
1tsp Cinnamon
2tsp pepper- to taste (Seriously don't go easy on this- the stronger the pepper the more flavor it has)
 (The original recipe had 1tbs Vinegar but I forgot it and it still was awesome- so I say it's optional)

Thaw your pie shells but do not cook them.
Pulverize your onion-I used my blender.  Take out your largest sauce pan, heat the butter and add the onion heating until the onion becomes clear.  Add in your ground pork and thoroughly cook.
While it is cooking shred your two potatoes and add them to the ground pork.
Add your spices. Ample spices keep this from being a boring dish- be generous with that pepper!
Add just enough water to cover the meat (and vinegar if you choose so) and turn down to a simmer.  Simmer for 45-60 minutes until water is evaporated stirring occasionally.

Preheat oven to 425F.  Fill your 3 pie shells with meat then use your remaining 3 pie shells to create a top. (I'll admit the pie in the picture had the best crust- but was not filled as high).  Cook until shells are cooked.  If your going to freeze and reheat later on leave them just a bit under cooked (not quite golden brown shell) so you can reheat in the oven with out burning the crust!)

Serve with vegetable of your choice. A dab of sour cream is a nice addition as well.

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